Oct 27, 2009


i caught up with an old friend today.

we met nearly 10 years ago when we worked together at a golf course. he is my "one soul". he came to visit me at utah state my freshman year, and i took him on a tour of utah, including temple square. he wasn't lds, in fact he grew up jewish.

two years later he was baptized. two years after that he met his wife and was married in the lds temple. now he has a beautiful little girl and another baby on the way.

i am so happy for my friends who have been incredible blessings in my life. he has always pushed me to be better, knowing i can achieve more than i think capable. friends like that are hard to come by, so i feel doubly blessed that we are still friends after all these years.

what type of friend is indispensable for you? do you have a friend like that in your life?

1 comment:

leslie said...

um, duh. you're one of the indispensible ones, jules!